Tuesday 4 November 2008


ACTION CODE- Term used to describe a dramatic sequence of events often leading to a violent resolution; I can use this in my independent study to see whether or not the film follows typical conventions of this

PATRIARCHY- Male dominance of political, cultural and economical system, I can use this in my study as it relates to males always going to dominant and female not truly being empowered role models

RADICAL FEMINISM- See men as the enemy-acts of sexual intercourse is seen as rape and violence-female nudity is “rape fantasies” for men. They are the most extreme feminists in the world. I can use them in y study as I can look at their take of how women are represented in media and action movies

FEMINISM- Achievements of women are taken for granted, which relates to my study as I can look into whether the action of women in action movies are praised or not. I can also use a less radical perspective of female representation in action movies.

SCOPOPHILLIA- Used by psychologist Sigmund Freud- it means 2the pleasure of looking”, which relates to the way females in action movies are viewed.

FEMME FATALE- French film noir theory – female characters who uses her sexuality in a devious, disreputable, secretive way to get what she desires. It can be a dangerous character who’s sex appeal often disarms the male protagonist and allows her to manipulate the action. I can use this term in my study when describing other texts as some of this happens in “Smokin’ Aces”.

ICONOGRAPHY- Distinguishing elements , in terms of props an d visual details which characterises a genre. In my study I can talk about guns and how it represents the action genre .

IDEOLOGY- set of attitudes, beliefs and values commonly held in a certain culture. I can use this for my study and talk about the western values and beliefs of what women should be like and how it’s shown in my text.

LIBERAL FEMINISTS- Sees gender inequalities as being a result the result of the dominant patriarchal family model and prejudice. I can look at their take on income of female and male actors

MALE GAZE- Term used by Laura Mulvey in her essay “visual pleasures and narrative cinema (1975), camera adopts the male point of view to benefit the male audience. This term will be coming up a lot in my study as its shown through every text I have looked at so far.

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