Thursday 23 October 2008


ATTAINMENT- 2 I think my attainment is very good, as I’m in every day and have only missed 2 or 3 lessons.

EFFORT- 3 I do put quite a lot of effort in my work, but sometimes I rush my work just for the sake of getting it done.

PUNCTUATION-2 I am generally on time as I do my best to get to class early, however I have been late sometimes.

SUBISSION AND QUALITY OF HOMEWORK-2 My is on time majority of the time and I do try to do my homework to the best standard I can, but I think once or twice I’ve submitted my homework late.

ABILITY TO WORK INDEPENDANTLY-1 I believe I have excellent ability to work independently.

QUALITY OF WRITING- 3 My quality of writing is average so far this year, the only real piece of writing I have written this year is for Ms Jones and I have to admit it wasn’t to my best standard.

ORGANISATION OF MEDIA FOLDER- 4 I haven’t got an actual folder but all my notes are in chronological order in a plastic folder

ORAL CONTRIBUTION TO CLASS- 4 I do make some contribution to class discussions but I do sometimes keep quiet and don’t say anything.

STANDARD OF MED 5 BLOG- 3 I think the standard of my Med 5 blog is average as I need to add a lot more information about my topic in terms of SHEP and more MIGRAIN analysis of other texts

STANDARD OF MED 6 BLOG- 4 My Med 6 blog is poor as I need to add a lot more information.

- I have great ability to work independently
- I am in majority of my lessons
- I am always on time and hardly late

- Need to make a lot of improvements on both blogs
- Need to start making more class contributions
- Need to buy a media folder and fix it up

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