Tuesday 16 December 2008

1960-‘Bonnie and Clyde’ [1967]

In the 1960’s there was a sexual revolution for women, this movement is clearly shown in the text as the first shot is a close up of her lips, which are red and full-connoting sex. Also she is naked lying on the bed banging the bed post with her hand, connoting she is sexually frustrated. Furthermore the fact she goes up to the window naked suggests she is promiscuous representing her of a “whore”. However when she comes out of the house she is wearing a light coloured dress suggesting she is innocent showing a “Madonna” side to her. In addition the stereotype of blondes being “bimbos” is also shown her actions are very flimsy. Also when Clyde suggests she is a “maid” or “waitress” connotes women are only good for these jobs and are to unintelligent for any important jobs. Moreover Gunter said only 20% of characters were women, this is seen in this text as the only women on screen was Bonnie.


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