Tuesday 2 December 2008

Gender representations today

It was in the 1990’s that gender roles on T.V became more equal and non-stereotyped, however majority of lead roles were males.
In prime T.V 1992-1993 61% of speaking roles were men and in 1995-1996 this increased to 63%.
However in 1995-1996 it was found in a greater range of programmes 43% of major actors were female
In the study done in 1992-1993 it was found only 3% of women were represented as housewives as their occupation- this was a major decrease from the 1970s.
Elasmer, Hasegawa and Brain (1999)- found “women on prime T.V in early 1990s were young, single, independent, and had free from family and work place pressures”

Programmes such as "Ally McBeal" (1997) and "Sex and the City" (1998) put successful women at the forefront and focuses on their paths to and for sex, pleasure and romantic love. This then shows women in a different light, representing them as provocative and promiscuous, rather than the traditional House wife and Homemaker.
Friends - shows that there has been an increase in equality between both genders.
A study by psychologists, Muncer, Campbell, Jervis and Lewis (2001), respond to the growing concern of the Media term "Ladettes", these are women who are assertive with an aggressive attitude which are usually associated with "Lads". The study talks about whether "girls power" leads to "girl violence".

Lara Croft Tomb Raider (2001)-“girl power icon is dreamt up by video game boys and is 100% resourceful and successful

X-men (2000) - female super heroes are just as important and “cool” as the male ones

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2000)- Focused around women ho can skilfully beat up everybody

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