Monday 13 October 2008

Self evaluation of presentation

WWW- I felt I had a good understanding of my text “Wanted” and good analysis in terms of MIGRAIN and good description of my text it. I also had quite good visual aspects as I had quite a few pictures in most slides making a bit less boring. I also had related issues in my presentation such as how women’s roles have changed.

EBI-I rushed through it to quickly which meant people couldn’t keep up. Also I could have put in the clip which I did a Migrain analysis of which would have been more interesting for the class to have watched, and then ask them what their take was on the clip. I should also have not given the handouts before the presentation as it affected the classes take on my presentation.


Med 5 Blog said...

WWW- showed you understand your text quite well
- presented well with images etc

EBI- have a clearer & slower voice

Avi said...

WWW- showed a clear understanding of what she is doing.
Showed good analysis of of wider contexts (SHEP).
she good eye contact with clear voice.

EBI- Involve audience more in your presentation.

Jas D said...

WWW- you clearly understoof what you were doing and understoof you topic properly,good points and information

EBI- it would be better if you involved the audience abit more because we got a bit bored towards the end

Raj.Es said...

- Good textual anaylsis about you own text (Wanted)

- Good links and understanding of laura mulvey's theory.

- Good synpotic analysis

- No eye contact

ajit said...

www: showed good knowledge of your text
knew wat u were sayin
good analysis of scenes and text

ebi: to violent with the pen and a bit to long.

minnie sahota said...

WWW: good understanding of text,
showed good wider context analysis.
had eye contact with audience

EBI: needed to be more load and clear,
needs to include more audience interaction

Faizul Awal said...

www: showed good knowledge of your text.
good analysis of scenes and text.

EBI. should of engaged the audience abit more maybe.

AmanGill.X said...

Good analysis of SHEP
Own knowledge of text

Audience involvement
Eye contact