Thursday 18 September 2008

Analysis of characters
Wesley Gibson-
Wesley is represented as a nobody at the beginning of the movie, his girlfriend is screwing his best friend, he’s stuck in a dead end job, has no hope of being successful. In the beginning there’s a close up of him with his voice as a voiceover as he types his name into the Google search engine, which ends up with “no result”, it shows he’s not known, after theres a long shot of him standing around the office blocks, hes putting on his jacket which is being showed in slow motion, then around him everyone’s moving fast, which connotes he’s alone and as the world is moving around him he’s so isolated. The fact he is nobody is further emphasised when he is walking home and there’s non diegetic music with words saying “I think I used to have a purpose “, again showing he has no use in society. This is all changed when he meets Fox, his life turns around. The fact a women is changing a mans life shows she has power.

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