Thursday 18 September 2008

Film Review

In all, I couldn’t find much to like about “Wanted.” It’s a poser film, trying to appear hip and cool, when it’s derivative and long-winded. It’s all style over substance. I’m sure it will have its fans, though, particularly those who list “Shoot ‘Em Up” and “Smokin’ Aces” among their favorite films. What’s sad, though, is it’s really just the male equivalent of a chick flick. In these so-called women’s films, the sad sack protagonist is told that in order to get the guy, she has to put on make-up, a sexy dress, and act slutty or stupid. In films like “Wanted,” the equally sad sack guy is told that to be a man he has to drive a fast car, shoot people, and have an f-off attitude. I say, let’s just be who we are and give Hollywood the middle finger.

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