Tuesday 30 September 2008


M- Close up of a rat with a bomb attached to it which then explodes, connotes more danger up ahead.
- Medium shot of Wesley running in slow motion with two guns in his hands, connotes he now has the power, guns are a phallic symbol of male dominance and power, the fact he has two makes him more powerful.
- Medium shot of his face, he’s very angry and ready to fight
- Long shot of Wesley jumping through the window, connotes he’s invincible, which is further emphasised when he gets shot in the arm and knifed but still manages to carry on fighting and wining.
- When fighting the butcher, the butcher taunts him by calling him a “pussy”, this connotes the lack of respect men have for women, and the fact Wesley gets more aggrieve because of this remark suggests he doesn’t like being on a women’s level when it come to fighting.

I- Men are the stronger sex, as its only men in this fighting scene fighting back
- It can also connote the ideology of women just being sex objects as the word “pussy” refers to women’s sexual organs.
- There is also a lack of value towards human and animal life as Wesley kill a lot of people and there is no care, instead he is seen as a powerful role model for men.

G- Action- Fast paced music, building being exploded
-A lot shooting, guns in the air, killing of people shown very vivid images of heads being shot and blood spilt everywhere, it all adds to conventions of an action movie

R- The word “pussy” shows lack of respect towards women, it degrades them and puts them below men, and it shows how women are seen as nothing which suggests they have no value or purpose.
- Representation of men is strong and powerful through Wesley, as the gun symbolises his power & control.

A- Appeals to both male and female audiences from ages 16-40, this clip in particular appeals to females as they may find Wesley very attractive however males may watch it and inspire to be like him
-People also may watch, especially the working class for escapism in this more spectacular life

N- In this clip you can see aspects of Todrov’s theory as Wesley is in the disruption phase of trying to get his life back to normal
-There are also aspects of Propp’s theory as Wesley is presented as more of an hero for himself

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